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Andrés Roussos

Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina


Shigeru Iwakabe

Ritsumeikan University, Osaka, Japan


Wolfgang Lutz

University of Trier, Germany

Wolfgang Lutz

General Vice-President

Felicitas Rost

Open University, UK

Felicitas Rost

Executive Officer

Bernadette Walter

University of Louisville
Louisville, USA

Bernadette Walter

Executive Assistant

Juan Martín Gómez Penedo

Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Juan Martín Gómez Penedo

Executive Council

Bernadette Walter, Executive Officer
Juan Martín Gómez Penedo, Executive Assistant

Andrés Roussos, President
Wolfgang Lutz, Past President
Shigeru Iwakabe, President Elect

Miguel M. Gonçalves, EU chapter
Claudio Martínez, LA chapter
Tali Boritz, NA chapter
Biljana van Rijn, UK chapter

Program Council

55th International Annual Meeting 2023 Ottawa

Shigeru Iwakabe (Chair) (Ritsumeikan University, Osaka, Japan)

Stephanie Wiebe and George A. Tasca (Local Host) (University of Ottawa, Canada)